lördag 26 december 2009

Christmas with family

Ida had to help out our neighbours standing in as a santa lady since their hired sata cancelled on them in the last second. Ida was a little nervous at first but came back 15 minutes later 20 dollars richer. She told the kids that santa was sick with H1N1! Hahahaha, she is so funny!

Margit is so cute and here she is handing out all the gifts under the tree.

Ida, Caoline, Pontus and me posing together.

Our cute santa boy is on the loose as always. I wonder what kind of trouble he is getting himself into right now?

Noah doesn't really want to pose with mommy. It's more fun to try to climb off and play with some wrapping paper and bows.

The puppies were also having fun running around all over the place. They got into the wrapping paper as well and even chewed of the chrismas light.

Evrybody is eagerly awaiting the christmas presents.

A hat and gloves from Bart.

As always everybody is gathering in the kitchen.

Bart is happily opening his gifts from me, a CK tie for the upcomming interviews.

Milo is happy and blowing like a trumpet with his lips. Sooo stinking cute!

My mom and my cute sister

Look what santa (read Barr) brought in our stockings, lottery tickets!

There's nothing stopping Noah

Look who's standing up on the music table. He's very strong and gets up like that all by him self. My mom says all the time that she thinks Noah is going to walk when he is 9 months. Only time will tell. As it looks now I think she will be right because Noah moves non stopp.

I was doing the dishes and look who came and joined me! He is so cute and his teeth are really poking up right now. With all the crawling he's doing he starts to look like a real boy with bruces in his knees an knockles and little cuts here and there. He's very patient and plays around with all his toys for a long time before he gets bored and wants some mommy attention.

Noah is a real joy being around. We love our little wild boy!

fredag 18 december 2009

Noah is crawling to the dog food

Noah really got a good speed going with his crawling. He also found Daisy's dog food. If you check out the other video you can see his two bottom teeth. His really fussy lately, they must hurt!

tisdag 15 december 2009

Noah's 6 Months

Now it has been 6 months since Noah came to us. Where did the time go? It feels like yesterday but still like 10 years. What did I do before Noah chose to come down and be our son? I am so happy and thankful that he chose me to be his mom forever. So many things have happened since he came. Now he crawls to you and smiles as soon as he sees us in the morning. On his six months birthday he even got his first two little teeth poking up. Talk about beeing a proud mom and dad. Noah now weighs 9,6 kg (21 lbs and 2 ozs) and he is 74 cm (29 in) tall. Big Boy in other words!

måndag 14 december 2009

Since we have been home Noah has been going wild

Here's Noah climbing up on his music table. When I found him he was standing up on his feet. Talk about that I got shocked when I saw my 6 month old son stand up. I yelled out loud: Noah, what are you doing? He got a little surprised and looked at me like: What are you yelling about?

He moves aroud a lot right now. It's not quite crawling. It's more like army-crawl sort of. He stands up on all fours and takes a few steps, rocks back and forth like a maniac, but than he falls to the ground and continues creeping forward. Last night I found him under the table sitting up, muching on a dust bunny (no no, that was a joke!) But he is really good sitting up after crawling. It's just that he falls a lot, screaming and crying with big tears, now when he's so active and mobile. He is definately starting to become a real wild boy!
Cords and remotes are the funnest toys around! Already interested in technical stuff just like daddy!

This is where I found him, grabbing and pulling on the cord on the ground by the balcony door!

fredag 11 december 2009

Merry Christmas from the Mendoncas

We went to the photographer in the states a couple of days before we flew home and here's some of the results.

Noah got to taste some of the cookies and milk that where for Santa!

I am so glad we had this done. Noah was 5.5 months old and these are memories that will last a life time. I am so happy that we have Noah in our lifes and I can't imagine what we used to do when he wasn't here. Christmas is so much more fun now.

torsdag 10 december 2009

I love this song

This song has been my absolute favorite hymn my whole childhood. My sister and I have been singing it all the time together! On Noah's blessing it was the first hymn we sang, what a coincidence or maybe was it a message from above?

onsdag 2 december 2009

Noah is going to take off any day now

Crawling and crawling is all our little boy wants to do lately. Or stand on all fore and rock back and forth at least. Yesterday when I put Noah down on the floor on his tummy to play while I went to the bathroom real quick, I found him sitting up when I got back. At lot of things have really started to happen with Noah. I guess I will be a busy mom really soon. But it's all just fun to see him develop and learn so much everyday.

Holiday kick off party

The parents are as excited as kids on x-mas.

Here's Noah posing by the x-mas tree and beeing cute as always!

Here's our and santa's little helper

Beth's cute christmas village!

Noah is playing with the car he got from the Cole's. Kaylee wants to help him!

The other day we had a pre christmas party sonce we are not going to be celebrating it over here. Noah got soooo many nice och useful gift, a buch of toys and tons of cloths. Thank you everybody. It seemd like all the kids liked the gifts we got them. We are so blessed to have to loving families in our lifes.

Happy turkey day

Finally the day we have all been waiting for arrived...Thankgiving! We ate turkey and other good food. Everybody seemed to love it!