fredag 31 juli 2009

I love you beautiful boy

See tiny fingers and tiny toes,
Bright baby eyes, cute baby nose;
Hear baby gurgles and baby sighs,
As Mom and Dad sing lullabies.
Life is changed, but that's okay;
It's fun to spend glad hours each day,
Taking time for all the good
That comes along with parenthood.

Look who likes to see what mom's up 2

Noah decided to help me out with the chores. Josefine was in a cleaning mode. No the truth is that Noah got bored of the bouncer and the baby-gym and the house was falling apart. How to solve this? The BabyBjorn came in handy. I vaccumed, did the dishes and the laundry as I was singing and playing with Noah. He found it to be really cozy and comfortable to hang on mom and now I understand how it feels to be a monkey mommy. Even with all the noises around, my little monkey baby was still able to fall asleep. How cute can one little baby be? Don't you just not want to eat him all up?

tisdag 28 juli 2009

Our Little Patriot

Josefine dressed Noah up like a little American patriot today. She then sung "Take me out to the ballpark" to him. It took a few times to get the text right, but she did in the end. As you can see, Noah is cute and strong. He has his shoes on that he got from his aunt Amy. They are a little big but he should be able to fit in them soon. He can stand up all by himself for a little bit but still needs help with his balance. If you let him go, his body stays stiff and he falls down like a tree.

We went to the nurse today for a little check up. Noah is now 6,160 grams, or 13 lbs 9 oz and 60 cm, or about 24 inches.

Here's Josefine and Noah's butt. I don't know why but Josefine thinks Noah looks just like me in this picture.

Lately, I have spent so much time studying and going to the gym and I am so happy and grateful to have Josefine around to take care of Noah all day. Without her it would be so hard for me to finish school and get back into shape. Doing these two things are so important to me right now and I love her for giving me the time I need to do them. I know it’s hard for her sometimes because she can get a little grumpy. Today I took a funny picture of one such moment but she did not like it and deleted it. Oh well, here's a picture of Josefine when she is happy instead.

Happy B-day, Patrik 21

Patrik trying to look cool!

The brothers!

Beautiful babyboy, mom is so proud of you!

The Mendonca family posing

Noah fell asleep in Bart's lap with all the commotion around

Me trying to look cool!

Me and Noah talking a little

Patrik trying out his wineglasses!

The whole family is gathered, it's a full house!

Hanging out in the couch!

Lasse trying to look cool!

We celebrated Patrik's 21th B-day this saturday. The whole family came to his super-cool appartment and we all had some fun together. Patrik served some really good food (smorgastarta) with rostbeef, delicious! And afterwords we got some cinnamonrolls. Thank you brother for the good food. He got some nice gifts, a cool blue shirt from me, Bart and Noah, that looks really good on him by the way. He got a bache ball set, some winglasses and a Scarface poster. All together we had a really fun day.

måndag 27 juli 2009

Another wedding

We went to another wedding this summer. It was Bart's baseball buddy Johan and his Caroline who got married this time. When it was time for Bart to put on his suite it tured out to be way to big for him. I guess it was 28 lbs (14 kg) he wore this sute last time. Maybe time to update your wordrobe Bart. On the invitation we got for the wedding it said to wear a suit: Opps, emberessing! As soon as the groom saw Bart he asked: "Where's you jacket Bart?"

Here's Bart in the pant, borderline to big to whear.

Here's the happy weddingcouple!

Noah was so good the entire day. He slept a whole lot and I fed him 2 times throughout the night. I found a little room where I could sit undisturbed and feed him, and I put the stroller in a room next to the kitchen where he slept. The staff was watching him for me, and me and Bart got over there a couple of times making sure he was sleeping and breathing. When it was time to go I cried a little as we were walking to the car telling Bart how proud I was over my little boy who had been so nice and quiet the whole day. Silly mom!
Me eating the dessert, mmm yummy! Bart and I said: Ok, lets go after the weddingcake which is the highlight to every wedding, according to us, the biggest cakelovers of the planet. The hours passed and no weddingcake came around. At 11 PM it was time for the couple to dance the first dance together. As little Noah woke up around then we felt it was getting late and that it was time to go. So all this wait and still no cake. I bet they didn't eat the cake untill late that night.
Bart is the apple of my heart. I am so thankful to be his wife and that we now have this beautiful little baby together.

fredag 24 juli 2009

Spending time with Grandma

Noah is wearing the cute sweater and hat my mom made for him. He is so cute!

I hung out at my moms house the other day. Bart was studying as usual and Noah and I felt like getting out of the house. It is so much fun over there, and I just love every single one of my family members. Thank you guys for being you! Here is Noah in grandma Susannes lap heavily asleep. Everytime I see my mom and she holds Noah she says: He got so big Josefine! Eventhough she just saw him the other day. You are cute mom! She is going to become a doula soon, which means she will be assisting women in labor. I was planning to call her when I was in labor, so she could come and support me. But when I was giving birth to Noah I totally forgot. I regret that so much, because who would have been better than my mom, who surely knows what childbirth is, to have around. Next time I promise you mom that you can be there and help me and Bart!

Aunt Caroline and Noah chitchatting

Noah's new mom

Today I had an appoinment at the hairdresser. I felt like freshening up a little and get cute. But how was I going to be able to go without Noah. At first I decided to feed Noah right before my appointment and then have Bart walk around at the mall with Noah in the stroller untill I was done. But if you know Bart you know that he is not the shopping kind a guy. He told me: You go Josefine, I'll take care of Noah at home. He practically forced me to go! I had some breastmilk in the freezer and I pumped some this morning. I fed Noah real good and put him down for a nap right before I left. Still, I was so nervous. Would Bart be able to do it? I made it to the hairdresser without stopping and changing my mind on the way there. The hair turned out really good, or what do you think? When I got home I ran to Noah and gave him tons of hugs and kisses. I cried! The tears just ran down my cheeks. I said to Noah: Mommy 's home, I am so sorry for leaving you buddy. Noah just woke up 15 minutes before I got home and probably didn't realize I was gone. Silly mom, huh?

tisdag 21 juli 2009

Thank's grandma Susanne

Smile for the camera! Familyfun

Ohh sweet child of mine! What did I do to deserve you? See how strong he is now. It's fun to see the small steps he's taking everyday.

Here's Noah cozing it up with the blanket the he got from grandma Susanne. She knitted this cute blanket and the pictures doesn't make justice for all the details put into it. We are going to treasure it forever. Thank you mormor, we love you so much and are really thankful for everything you do.

söndag 19 juli 2009

What a mess!

Here's me making cinnamon rolls. What does taste better than fresh cinnamon rolls with a cup of cold milk? I was actually pretty productive today for a change, which felt good. Noah's been awake a lot as usual but got some naps in between. He's been a good boy! We got out on two walks in the stroller so I am also doing some much needed fat-burning.

I put Noah on his quilt on the couch for a while when I was baking in the kitchen. When I went to check on him Daisy was laying next to him as if to make sure he was ok. How cute is that?

Today after eating I burped Noah and heard him burp a big one as usual. A few minutes later when I thought he was done I looked at him and he looks like this. Apperently he threw up on my shoulder and got it all in his face. I laughed and Noah just looked at me having no clue what I was laughing at.

Noah is finally tired

Noah in the bouncer, not tired at all.

The cousines in Milos stroller, it's getting pretty tight in there.

Cute vs. Cool! Daddy has the magical touch. Here's Noah sleeping in his arms

After a meal Bart is burping Noah who falls a sleep in his hands. Cutepie!

Tired father and son!

Yesterday Noah was awake pretty much all day. He slept for an hour at the most when I took him out in the stroller and 15 minutes here and there during feeding time. We tried everything: bouncer, gym, just lying on the quilt on his tummy, in the stroller, in the crib, walking around with the Baby Bjorn, vacuuming the floors, relaxing music, singing and playing. Yes you name it, we tried everything but nothing worked. He was satisfied for about 5 minutes and then he got fussy and wanted our attention. He’s the happiest with either me or Bart just holding him and playing with him. But it was tiring! I got frustrated a couple of times because nothing seemed to please him. But around 9:30 pm Bart and I decided to go for a walk with Daisy and see if that could make him fall asleep. As soon as we put him in, he was down! Finally he couldn’t resist and gave in for the tiredness. He slept pretty much all night except when it was time to eat. We all slept until 11:30 today! Boy where we tired. We gave Noah a bath and he got some breakfast and now he is sleeping. I don’t know why he couldn’t relax and sleep all day yesterday. Maybe he is going thru a growing phase? Or could it have been something I have been eating/ drinking? Maybe I need to cut out coffee and Coke! But It feels good now when he is sleeping finally, because even though I think we got an exceptionally energized boy I don’t think it healthy for him to be that awake.
Now I am a little free to catch up on me, myself, Bart and the house. Maybe I’ll do some cleaning and through some cloths in the washer. Maybe I even feel like baking some cinnamon rolls. Just to be able to update the blog feels reliving. Maybe I will go down to Jenny’s later to just talk and chitchat for a little while. It is important to get some time to yourself otherwise the mom won’t not be so happy, and it’s important that mom’s are happy!

torsdag 16 juli 2009

One month

Our lovely little Noah is now 1 month old. Bart and I are really enjoying being his parents and watching him grow every day. I cry at least once a day when I look at Noah or when I dance with him in my arms and feel him falling a sleep when I sing him a lullaby. Today I read a poem that my mom gave us the day Noah was born. I just want to share it with you because it means a lot to me and I cry ever time I read it. Noah has really changed our lifes and I can't remember how I used to fill my days before. Every time I look at him I think about how incredibly much I love him and how it's impossible to love him more that this. But the next day the love is even stronger. Sorry, but it is in swedish! One more thing. Noah's current weight is 5570 or 12 lbs and 4 oz, and 59 cm tall or 23,5 inches. Big boy! Good job Noah

Det är som ett mirakel när ett barn har blivit fött. Ut kom en liten människa som ingen förut mött.
Ett spädbarn är så vackert och dess doft helt underbar. Och det är nåt visst med blicken som är sällsamt vis och klar.
Från den stund man tar emot det blir inget mer detsamma. För ett barn förändrar livet för sin pappa och sin mamma...
Ett sånt hav av ömsint kärlek som plötsligt väller fram, för detta lilla under som ännu vägs i gram
Thank you mom for this poem, you are a rock! We love you and Noah is totally crazy over his grandma!

tisdag 14 juli 2009

Living the active life

I have finally got my own BabyBjorn and I really like it. It's so nice taking my son on walks with him laying so close to me. It's like I was pregnant all over again. If he's full and dry he falls right asleep when I put him in it. Now I will just have to convince Bart to try it on. It's really nice and it's a good way to attach and bond with your son.'s so much fun mom and dad. Look at me how good I am! Don't you just want to eat him up? Noah is laying on the breatsfeeding pillow traing his neck. I have to say he's getting stronger by the day as you can tell from these pics

Here's Noah enjoing the baby-gym. He's all mesmorised by all the fun toys in it. It won't be long untill he can grabb'em.