torsdag 26 november 2009

Congratulations Bart! I am so proud of you!

Finally Bart has his degree after many years of hard work. I am so proud of my husband. Now we are just waiting for a good job to popp up! Way to go Bart!!

We cought grandpa giving Noah some frosting. Noah loved it though! Silly grandpa! Thank you Mike and Beth for everything this day. You made it all come together. Jolene also deserves a thank's, you always give it all!

Look at this deliscious cake!
Bart is posing next to the yummy cake. Noah is checking it out, getting readdy for a bite of that!

We celebrated Bart with a surprise party at Peter Piper Pizza the. After some pizza it was time to play some games.

We learned the hard way that Noah now is quick and has loooooong arms, because when the pizzas came out and where put on the table, Noah grabbed into them before Bart had time to move'em. He quickly put the hot tomato sauce in his mouth and than realised that it was freaking hot. He screamed bluddy murder. Poor little guy, it hurts a mom's heart to hear your little soldier cry like that. He got so tired afterwards and fell a sleep with all the commotion going on around him.

Bart like to goofy around infront of the camera!

Everybody loved the pizza!

söndag 22 november 2009

Lately I have noticed that kids just looooves other kids.

Pizza time with the Owens and Noah is getting big...ger!

Bart and I went over to the Owne's house and made home made pizza with all the kids. Everybody got a least one slice that they approved of. Afterwards we watched the movie UP. Noah fell asleep in his mommy's arms.

Noah is so big and is sitting in the shopping cart like a big boy.

He's drinking from the zippy cup too

It's fun to take a bath now when I can sit up on my own! I need more bath toys!

fredag 13 november 2009

Family photografs

Noah fun

Look how beautiful it is in Jolene's neighborhood!

Noah and Caden played a little yesterday, here they are both sitting up together! Cindy and I went to Ross for some child free shopping. The brothers stayed home with the kids.

Hadley came over yesterday for a couple of hours. She and Noah had some cousin fun as well.
Noah has a new favorite thing to chwe on...yummo!

I am really good sitting up now...look at me!

Feet are fun!

Handsome boys, don't you think?

Noah is waiting to jump in the pool with his swim diapers on!

Rainforest café

We were sitting next to the gorillas, and every 5 minutes they were making a lot of noises. Noah was very amazed. Where is Bart?

The waitress greated us and gave Noah his crayons and paper to draw on. She also showed us where the kids menu was. How old did she think Noah was? Oh well, Noah mostly chewed on the paper and had a bottle of milk for lunch!

After going down to Tucson for the final interwiev for my green card, wich finally got approved by the way, we headed over to the mall and a lunch at a fun café. After some good food we were readdy for some serious shopping!

lördag 7 november 2009

Olive Garden and a dip in the blue

Bart, JJ, Amy and I took the kids to Olive Garden for some lunch the other day. It was yummo! Noah sat in the high chair and had some of his puffs. One time I had him in my lap for a little bit and ha grabbed the garlic bread I had in my hand. I just had to give him some small pieces to keep him satisfied. After the luch Bart and I continued with some shopping. We stopped by Ross and the mall and found some christmas presents for all the kids.

Last night I felt like taking Noah for a dip in the pool. I thought it was a good time for that since it was a little over cast and no direct sun light. The sun was actually setting and made the sky really pretty and pink. Noah just loved the water and splashed around like a crazy little boy.

torsdag 5 november 2009

Noah is eating majskrokar and more food

I am ready for an other bite mommy! Give me more grubb NOW!

Potatoes and carrots in the ice tray, convenient and cheap!

Now when Noah entered the 4 months of age (soon 5), a lot of things have happened with our boy. He rolls around in every direction, especially when you change his diaper. If you are not carful poop can end up every where. If he is sitting in your lap when you eat he grabbs for everything and follow every bite you take. If you are not quick enough he grabbs for your plate trying to get a bite off of it. Just to keep him occupied we bought some veggie puffs (majkrok) and he loves them. He gets one and sucks on it for a while untill it gets all mushy and swollows them. When you try to give him another one he just opens his mouth and starts chewing for it. Today I made some mashed potatoes and carrots just because I think Noah i definetly ready for more challenging food to keep him satisfied. I am glad I have a good eater that is growing!

Noah's blessing

Look at my handsome boys!

This Sunday Noah got his blessing. I want to thank Matt for the lovely words he chose, it meant a lot to us! Afterwards we all gathered up in Jolene's house for some subs and cake of course. Noah and Bart, the two boys in my life where so nice in their suits.

söndag 1 november 2009


Halloween party at Mike and Beth's house yesterday. Awesome food and lots of fun with everybody. Eating a bunch and playing some games offcourse.

The kids are happily eating some grubb

When it got dark, kids and grown ups got ready for trick or treating in the neighborhood

All the houses where decorated with pumpkins, spider webb, spiders and tons of other creepy things...

Noah is also doing som trick or treating and got some good candy. Mommy and daddy very happpppy!

All of us followed the kids around the block. We all had lots of fun!


Noah was gobling and flopping his wings like turkeys due. Caden roared like dinosours. Cute boys them two!

Have you ever seen a cuter turkey?

Here's the turkey from behind!