lördag 1 maj 2010

BBQ and a game of Scattergories

Poor little Noah got sick with the stommach flu a couple of days ago. He also had a very high feever and was so tired and couldn't do anything. He woke up 3 times that night, heart was pounding and he was red from the high temperature. It was exhausting and nervwracking to take care for him. All you want is for little Tarzan to come back. He is feeling a little better today thank God!

The BBQ master Josefine entered and cooked up some deliscious stakes for us. We also hade some pineappele, muschroom and potato salad together with a glass of something refreshing ;) Fist BBQ this year got a little burnt but it tasted really good still.

Jenny, Milo and Kenzo are taking a nice bike tour together.

Davis and Noah are hanging out waiting for some grubb.


Having some majskrok (cornpuff) as an appetizer. Yummo!

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