söndag 28 mars 2010

Power-walk and spring time

Hello my little sweetheart and blue-eyed boy. Noah is finally feeling a little better after a few days of fever and crankyness. It's not fun at all to see your little kid sick refusing to eat or drink anything. But he is on the way to recovery which is a relief for all of us.

The tinfoil is very fun to play with, especially to roll it all out.

The latest creation in my kitchen; Super healthy and delicious Omega 3 bread. Packed with slow carbs and good nuts and fibres. Keeps you tummy happy for a long time. Strongly recomended!

This was me last year. This year we are very far from being able to suntan, but now finally spring is in the air ;)

It's nice to live close to the ocean and feel the nice ocean breeze

Bart decided to skip the gym and join me for a power-walk this sunday. I am supposed to have a day off working out on Sundays, but I just had to get out of the house. I am too restless now a days, have too much energy to burn. Or as I learned lately; the more energy you use, the more you build up. Ohh well, we got dressed, packed the kid down in the stroller and went for a walk.

Noah figured out how to climb up the coach by the way (goodbye last little bit of freedom). I bet he will start climbing the curtains and swing in the chandelier any day now. I didn't know I got a little monkey in Noah ;)

There is hope that spring will come to Sweden after all. This flowers that we call Snowdropps is a good and sure sign. Welcome spring. Let me just remind you of last year around this time, I was 32 weeks pregnant with Noah, sun tanning on the balcony in bikini and tanning lotion. The snow just melted like last week this year. Wiered weather!

Momma is ready to get some execise done. Noah got cozy in the stroller instead and fell asleep.
Bart, my little sweeatheart. Soon we have been married for 5 years. How lucky am I to be married to my best friend? We have a sure little sign of our love in our cutiepie Noah.
You would think that efter 1,5 hrs of power walk we would be tired, but no. We decided to clean out the shed while Noah continued to sleep on the balcony. It was a very good and fun little day together.

1 kommentar:

Mike sa...

You might call it spring, but it still looks dang cold to me. Beth was getting burnt working in the yard yesterday.