söndag 25 april 2010

Noah is wilder than wild

I didn't expect to find my son in the drawer the other day, getting into all the lids, but there he was ;) Noah's new nickname is Tarzan! Don't you think it suits him? He also learned how to climb up on the coffee table, which he now loves to do. Hmmm, this little boy is already making his mom's hair turn gray ;).

onsdag 21 april 2010

My social little butterfly

Noah and I went to my friend Malin and her twinboys Elton and Levis baptism. It was a very cute cermony in the church and afterwards we went to her moms house for some cake, cookies and other refreshments. Yummo! Thank you Malin and Daniel for letting me and my wild little son be a part of your beautiful boys day. Noah was behaving so good all day for his mommy. He is a real social butterlfy that loves being around people and make them laugh. He was crawlig around every where getting into places he wasn't supposed to get into. But that's ok! What else is a mommy to a 10 month old boy supposed to do than running around chasing after him?

Noah latest invention is to climb into the kitchen cabinets. Don't worry though, thay are all empty now when he knows how to open them and through everything out.

Lately Noah and I have borrowed Jenny's bike and Milo's bike seat a couple of times. We both love it. Noah laughes out loud and wawes to everybody if I tell him to. I get a little exercise too. A good combo. FYI: I have reached a weight loss of more than 10% and 21 lbs (9,5 kg) and 7,1 in (18 cm) around my waist ;)
We both miss our Bart a lot and is counting down for the next time we will see him. We are flying on May 8th if the volcano on Island will let us.

måndag 12 april 2010

Where is daddy?

Even though Noah still is very young I do belive he misses his favorite dad very much. When somebody knocks on the door he quickly crawls over to see if daddy is there to play with him, pick him up or just comfort him when he is sad. I talk to him about daddy and he looks over at our wedding photo on the wall and starts waving to his daddy, his number one. I put the phone to his ear and let him talk to Bart and he is looking into the phone and giggles. Yesterday I bought him a shirt that says "I love dad" on it, he looks so cute in it. I also tried to show him where dad is on the globe but he rather wanted to put it into his mouth. Hmmm...silly boy ;) But the truth is that we do miss you Bart, a lot as a matter of fact! We are so proud of you getting this good job at US Airways as a Sr. Analyst. Soon we are going to be together again because as you know we are, BETTER TOGETHER!

tisdag 6 april 2010

Last night for Bart in Sweden

My wonderful husband Bart is leaving us for a while to go ahead with his career in America. We, Noah and I, are going to miss him like crazy. Bart and Noah have the best relationship you can imagine so it hurts me to have them seperate for a while. Noah and I are going to be fine though because we have eachother. But my little hubby, I love him so much. We are the beat of friends.