torsdag 28 januari 2010

Finally one minute left over for blogging

I started weightwatchers and have been going to the gym now for 1,5 months and it feels really good! I lost 3,3kg (7 lbs) in 2 weeks and I am so proud of my self. This is usually how I start my day; a smoothie, a cup of herb tea (organic of course), a morning drink made with fresh squeezed lemon and oranges, fresh ginger, OJ and flaxseedoil (linfrö olja), my daily vitamins and my omega 3. Talk about healthy, huh?. Then I try to go to the gym 3-4 times a week and I already feel a lot stronger and energetic. I take classes like step, spinning, or afrodance or just the gym where I now run about 4 km (3 miles) on the tread-mill. My body is thanking me everyday for doing this for my self. My body is my temple!

Noah thinks it's a lot more fun to stand up in the high chair and mommy is just striking a pose in her new hair due. I got tired of always streaking it blond so I decided to go brown.

It was scarry to find him like this after I just turned my back away for one second. He thinks it's really fun though!

Bart is also doing good with the weightloss and exercise. I am telling him that he doesn't need to loose anymore, but stubburn as he is he doesn't listen to me. But it's good that I have him to push me in the right direction and not give up.

Noah is a very happy and curious boy. He is getting even more mobile and is now walking really good along all of our furnitures. He got the balance down and doesn't hurt him self as often. He waves to you, he knows where the light is if you ask him, he started to clapp his hands too and when we are playing music and dance he starts to dance or more wiggle his body to the music. It's so fun to see what he is up to every day.

1 kommentar:

HelRob sa...

Vad fin du är som brunette!!!...och vilken god frukost!..:) Vad har du för gott i smoothiesen??